So this is the vision...

And this is the current reality...(well move in day but nothings changed in these spaces since then except for the clutter!)
I've found a few suppliers of Victorian Floor Tiles, one of which is based in the Medway Towns where I grew up so I have a natural lean towards that one currently, I need to compare some prices first. In the meantime I've collected a few phone numbers of decent plasterers from my neighbour. I need to book an electrician...2 light replacements, 1 light to be moved, 1 Light to be installed and 4 light switches to be replaced - they better be fast workers.
Joinery - well it is tempting to give next door a knock again and ask him to put the picture rail up and replace the skirtings but I think I might get brave this time and attempt it myself. I've watched him a few times now - its not that hard! ;-) He will be required to replace the staircase up to the loft though - I'm not that adventurous/stupid!
The radiator needs replacing with a smaller one so that a cover can be fitted over it, and the pipes need moving to the other side of the internal door frame - luckily I have a friend who's a plumber - well at least something will be cheap!
I've not decided on colours yet but it will be something light and neutral so that the floor stands out. The floor is the one thing I won't retract on - it's what I've wanted since I bought the place, I don't care how much it costs or how long it takes me either.
There's still more to plan but I am getting quite excited about it all. I think the year off really helped and I might even make a start this weekend...maybe. I do hope you now understand why I said this project would take me all year - I wasn't just being lazy!
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